Thursday, October 13, 2011

Living in Greece...

It is beyond doubt how bad the situation in Greece is... How could someone predict such disaster?
I try to be optimistic but I can't... How could I? For example:
There are so many lay offs daily. The Government makes new laws which are so unfair for the Greek
citizens...Retired people have a small wage which gets smaller & smaller in order to recover from the financial crisis...The employed receive a 500  euros monthly for an 8 hours work daily. The Greek Prime Minister, Giorgos Papandreou, has stated that he has decided to make changes no matter how hard they are...The tragic thing is that we call our political system "Democracy"...
In my opinion, democratic political systems are those who truly care about the people's needs and choose accordingly to those...This is a "Cold War"...Because of the huge unemployment there is a dramatic crime increase...

Greeks only care about how to survive.Depression and suicides have reached 25%.
How can you feel happy when you are not safe and respected?There is absolutely no health insurance & educational system.The kids at school don't have books.But the most important thing now is the trash problem.All streets are full of trash because of the dustbinments'strike.Our  health is in danger!
What annoys me is the indifference of our politicians. They are supposed to protect & care for us but keep on this self destructive strategy! Why? Obviously, they have lost their humanity!
Because I am a dreamer I want to finish this article with the optimistic thought that for every problem there is always a solution & with strong will & persistence everything is possible!
This is a video I made about the political crisis in Greece
Katerina Wilhelmina