Here is what Kunis, 28, who was interviewed by her Oz the Great and Powerful co-star James Franco, had to share with her friend:
On the differences between males and females in the business: "I think there will always be a double standard between males and females, so I think that an actress is more likely to protect her public persona, so to speak, than an actor would be. An actor goes crazy in a hotel room, gets trashed, throws a bench, breaks a window, and he is considered a rock star. An actress does that and she’s sent to rehab and is thought to have problems and issues and can’t get a job."
On choosing the right projects: "I’ve said this before, but after That ’70s Show ended, I solely wanted do films that inspire me, and to work with people who make me better. I wanted to just surround myself with people who I think are better than I am, whether they’re actors or directors or producers, so that I could learn from them. And I think that’s pretty much what I’ve done. I think that if I hadn’t done it that way, then I would’ve just stunted myself."
On moving on from acting: "Listen, in five years I do hope to have a family, and, you know, who knows? I think in this industry people have such a short shelf life, truly, that I don’t know what I’m going to be in five years in regards to acting. I mean, I’d love to produce. I can’t form a sentence or write an e-mail, so I know I’m definitely not going to go and become a writer, but I would love to explore other facets of this industry, for sure… I’ve always been a big proponent of not working for the sake of working, because I don’t want to work for the rest of my life—I want to live. So I’d rather work to live than live to work."
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