As it was said on previous posts, Katie filed divorce documents in NYC, in large part because she wants sole legal custody of Suri. The reason why she filed for divorce in NYC is because New York courts are way more likely to grant Katie sole legal custody and control over child-rearing decisions than California courts.
But the problem here is that ( according to sources connected with the couple ) Tom has been trying to do everything legally within his power to avoid strong ties to New York City because the tax rates are ridiculously high and he does not want any appearance that he or Katie have been living there.
There are documents which show Tom deeded their NYC apartment to Katie last August and it was reportedly done specifically for tax purposes. The deed lists a transfer to a trust, but it has been confirmed that it's a trust established for the benefit of Katie.
Sources reveal that Katie is using the apartment to establish residency in New York for the purpose of the divorce, something that can screw Tom's taxes.
It's pretty obvious that Tom is not gonna let Katie dictate New York as the venue for the divorce. He clearly considers California as the place he must be.
What do you think?
Photo credit: WENN